Andy is a 40 year old husband and father of two who likes to think of himself as a move LOVER not a movie CRITIC. Instead of of picking apart a movie, Andy likes to enjoy them for what they are, which of course is true GUYmdb style. Generally speaking, you will find it to come across a movie Andy would slam! Though there has been one or two over the years!
Andy's go to movie genre, if watching alone, would most definitely be "action", ranging from A-List cinema titles to B-List "straight to DVD" films.
A "Handy Andy" of Andy himself would be that he has two half sleeve tattoos, dedicated to his favourite movies and movie memorabilia. He is currently booked in to make one of those halves a whole.
GUYmdb was a project thought of years ago in another format that was brought to life by and with his friend of over 30 years, Grant. Together they embark on the epic journey that is......the GUYmdb podcast.